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MCINERNEY Family Room Next Event:

Sunday 16th February
2pm (New York), 7pm (Ire)


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MCINERNEY Family Room Next Event:

Sunday 16th February
2pm (New York), 7pm (Ire)


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MCINERNEY Family History

This ancient clan surname is recorded in the spellings of MacInerney, McInerney, McInnerny, McInnery, McErney, and Norheny, Nerney, Nertney, and others. It is Irish and originates in the province of Connaught, the derivation being from the ancient Gaelic pre 10th century surname 'Mac Erenagh' meaning 'The son of the lay lord '. In pre-medieval times an 'erenagh' was a hereditary lord of the church, one who held high secular office and property on behalf of the church, and collected all rents and tithes arising from those properties. Following the Norman Invasion of Ireland in 1170, these hereditary positions were gradually terminated, but even as late as the 17th century the 'Mac Inerney' clan was a considerable power...
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    Martin McInnerney

    My Great-Great-Grandfather was John M. McInnerney (born in 1830 in the area of Kilkee, County Clare) Married Bridget Marrinan (born April 7, 1837 Doonbeg, County Clare) Acording to what information I can find, he joined the 179th New York State Volunteers Company B in Elmira, N.Y. on June 2, 1864 and fought for the Union in the American Civil War until his Company was disbanded June 8, 1865. Some information suggests his Fathers name was Cornelius McInnerney also of County Clare, however I have not found much more than that.
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    My maternal grandfather was Patrick McInerney and I’m not sure if he was born in Limerick or Clare. My maternal grandmother was Mary Lynch born in Limerick. I have no dates of birth for either of them. I believe my grandmother died around 1933 and my grandfather died around 1986. My mother Mary Ann McInerney was born July 29th, 1931 in Kilkee, County Clare. She had a brother James Christopher who emigrated to the States and sent for my mother.I know my grandfather remarried and had 6 other children with a second wife Annie. Their first names are Monica, Bernadette, Josephine, Raymond, Patrick and Gabriel. I believe some them live in England and Ireland. Any help at all would be wonderful. I’m coming to Ireland this summer and have a great desire to meet relatives and find out more about my ancestry. Thank you!! Sincerely, Maureen Carmody Rose
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    Hey everyone I am in Melbourne Australia, Justine McInerney - daughter of Kym McInerney, he was from Adelaide, and his dad originally Ray McInerney also. This is all I know! Any help would be amazing. Plz contact me thanks - connect@justinemcinerney.com
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